Wednesday, September 7, 2011

OnStar Launches Family Link

Pretty cool service. Check out the details below:


OnStar has launched a new optional service called Family Link, linking subscribers to their loved ones when driving an OnStar-equipped vehicle.

This new service enables users to log onto the Family Link website to view a map with their loved one’s exact location at any time (pictured above). Subscribers can set up email or text message notifications to let them know the location of their loved one’s vehicle. They can choose the day, time and frequency of the alerts.

“Our subscribers have asked us for a solution to help them stay connected to their family when they’re on the road,” said OnStar President Linda Marshall. “What parent hasn’t asked their teenaged driver to call or send a text when they arrive somewhere, only to not hear from them? Family Link’s Vehicle Locate feature lets a parent check on their child’s progress or help determine when he/she might be home safe and sound.

The OnStar Family Link service is currently in a pilot phase and is accessible by invitation only. Approximately 10,000 active U.S. OnStar subscribers will be invited to the program.

Subscriber interest and comments from the pilot program’s users will guide decisions for launch and pricing of this service. Regardless, OnStar believes the service will provide greater peace of mind for subscribers while their loved ones are on the road.

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