Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Rules Of Defensive Driving

If you would like to prevent a car accident, read these tips!

In this collection, "70 Rules of Defensive Driving," by RoadTrip America's contributing expert Robert Schaller,  he shares wisdom gained from nearly fifteen years of teaching defensive driving and traffic law in his home state of Arizona.

1. Pay Attention                                                                                                                                                               
2. Don't Trust NOBODY!        

3. Yield Anyway!
4. Don't Speed!

5. Don't Drive Impaired
6. Wear Your Seat Belt!

7. Buy and Use Safety Devices
8. Motorcyclist, Protect Thyself!

9. Don't Run Red!
10. Drive Precisely

11. Chill Out!
12. Look Down the Road!

13. Create Space
14. Drive to Communicate

15. Drive Predictably
16. Always Signal Your Intentions

17. Know Your Blind Spots!
18. Avoid Distractions

19. Avoid Backing Up
20. Beware of Intersections

21. Be A Freeway Pro
22. Know How To Stop

23. Know When To Use Your Headlights
24. Slow Down in Rain or Snow

25. Maintain Your Tires
26. Take Care of Your Vehicle

27. Get Rid of Tailgaters
28. Maintain an Even, Measured Pace

29. Check for Hydroplaning
30. Know How To Recover From A Skid

31. Avoid Head-On Collisions
32. Be A Safe Passer

33. Avoid the Single-Vehicle Collision
34. Deal with Light Glare

35. Never Play Chicken With a Train
36. Beware of Stopped or Slow-Moving Vehicles

37. Practice Animal Avoidance!
38. Don't Prevent Others from Passing

39. Drive Your Van Safely
40. Practice Smart Bicycling

Read more: http://www.roadtripamerica.com/forum/content.php?9-Defensive-Driving-Tips-Drive-Safe-With-Uncle-Bob&s=a236f4732dda39d65691c38e196d7166


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