Friday, February 24, 2012

1968 Chevrolet Camaro vs. 2011 Chevrolet Camaro Comparison

Are you a Camaro fan? We are, that's why we were so excited to see a comparison on InsideLine with a 1968 Camaro vs. a 2011 Camaro, the result? Too close to tell!

Carl Casanova could be both divorced and fired for things he's done in his modified 1968 Chevrolet Camaro, a car he's owned for 30 years. We'd guess most of those "things" happened in Casanova's younger, less cultured days. He is, after all, a family man now.

Casanova's Camaro isn't just any car, though. It's a machine he obsesses over, beats on a racetrack, lovingly rehabilitates and then beats on some more. It has a supercharged 5.7-liter V8 under its hood along with cooling and fuel systems with enough capacity to keep the Camaro running on the hard-boiled racetracks of Southern California. Yes, it's a very capable track car, one that exhibits equal bits willpower fabrication, ruthless wrench wielding and 3 degrees negative camber at each front wheel. Yes, 3 degrees. If you're not familiar, that's a lot.

To read more and see the results of this comparison, click here!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Restored 1955 Chevy Makes Cover of Car Magazine

Chevy continues to be the longest lasting most durable car(s) on the road, and Joe Sheehan is living proof. writes:

A couple of weeks ago Vicki Sheehan was walking back from her mailbox on Hickory Lane in Londonderry Township when something in the stack of mail she was carrying caught her eye. “Is that our car?” she recalls saying to herself, after glancing at the cover of March’s edition of Super Chevy magazine. “I kept thinking ... ‘That looks like our car.’”
It was.

For years her husband, Joe, had worked to restore the 1955 One-Fifty that he bought from a co-worker at Three Mile Island in 2003. When he brought it home it wasn’t much to look at — a two-door sedan painted primer gray.

Joe and Vicki Sheehan, with their 1955 Chevy, that was featured on the cover of "Super Chevy Magazine", in front of their home in Londonderry Twp. Saturday January 28 , 2012. CHRIS KNIGHT, The Patriot-News

Now the car glows with a candy apple red paint job complete with subdued ethereal flames on each fender.

To read more on this story, click here!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Chicago Auto Show Custom Chevy's

This week the Chicago Auto Show kicked off, and this year Chevy not only has one display area, but two! In addition to their normal displays (featuring upcoming 2012 and potentially 2013 models) Chevy showed off some fully customized models of their cars. 

AutoMobileMag writes:

Technically, there are two Chevrolet displays at the 2012 Chicago Auto Show: one that’s officially tied to the automaker, and another that’s sponsored by local Chevy dealers. The latter boasted several oddly-customized Camaros, Corvettes, and Cruzes, some of which were just too weird for us to ignore.

To see these custom Chevy's visit:

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Chevy's New Environmental Impact Labels

At Parker Chevrolet  we're proud to support Chevrolet with their new environmental impact labels. These labels should appear on all new 2013 models of vehicles produced by Chevy.

Here's what SlashGear has to say:

Chevy’s making a big push in the green segment for cars and the impact those cars have on the environment. The environmental impact includes the technologies and materials used to make the vehicles as well as the emissions that the vehicles produce. To help the average consumer be aware of the green push that Chevy is investing in, it will start placing new stickers touting green on vehicles with the 2013 range.

Chevy is boasting that it is the first automotive manufacturer to place these labels on vehicles in an attempt to allow the buyer to see how green the vehicles are in manufacturing, driving, and recyclability.

To read more from the original article, click here!
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