Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Chevy's New Environmental Impact Labels

At Parker Chevrolet  we're proud to support Chevrolet with their new environmental impact labels. These labels should appear on all new 2013 models of vehicles produced by Chevy.

Here's what SlashGear has to say:

Chevy’s making a big push in the green segment for cars and the impact those cars have on the environment. The environmental impact includes the technologies and materials used to make the vehicles as well as the emissions that the vehicles produce. To help the average consumer be aware of the green push that Chevy is investing in, it will start placing new stickers touting green on vehicles with the 2013 range.

Chevy is boasting that it is the first automotive manufacturer to place these labels on vehicles in an attempt to allow the buyer to see how green the vehicles are in manufacturing, driving, and recyclability.

To read more from the original article, click here!


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